
 The 32 th CIHIE& Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

2024年5月20日-22日       北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction




郑州萱草集生物科技有限公司,是一家专注于现代化中药生物科技产品研发的 高新技术企业,集团经过十余年的发展,已投产使用给的两大GMP生产基地,占地 面积60000平方米,投资5000万元,现拥有500余名员工,目前在建的中药生物科 技园项目预期投资5亿元,占地100余亩,预计年产值超10亿。 公司旗下的“尚医铭草”品牌涵盖膳食补充,中药提取等多样产品系列,致力 于引领“药食同源,快乐养生”的理念,开窗白领快乐养生新时代,实现以中药引 领大健康产业发展。

Zhengzhou Xuancaoji Biotechnology INC is a high technology company  focus on the production and research of modern Chinese herb biotechnology  products. After more than ten years development, we have owned two GMP production bases under investment of fifty-millions-yuan. There is 60,000 m2 area  and 500 workers on duty. Now, we are building a new Chinese medicine biotechnology industrial park project under investment of 0.5 billions yuan which is 100  mu area and will produce more than 1 billion yuan values every year.  The company’s brand of ‘Shang Yi Ming Cao’ covers a variety of product such as dietary supplements and extraction from Chinese herb, and is symbol  of homology of herb and food, health preservation”, and creates a new era of  white-collar health preservation, and realizes the development of great health industry by ways of Chinese herb.